Home/Case studies and news/The cooperation agreement between Hungarian authority and NEVEX Institute can speed up the authorisation process PPPs

The cooperation agreement between Hungarian authority and NEVEX Institute can speed up the authorisation process PPPs

The Hungarian competent authority (National Food Chain Safety Office -Nébih) and NEVEX Institute Kft. recently signed a cooperation agreement, which authorizes NEVEX for official assessments of dRRs during the authorization procedure. The joint work of Nébih and NEVEX can provide an answer to challenges amid rapidly changing and increasingly strict EU regulations. The NEVEX Institute intends to be involved in the licensing process as an accredited, official partner of the national authorities, thereby to speed up the registration of new products and ultimately their route to the Hungarian users. This is the common interest of producers, traders, farmers as well as the authority. Through transparent, accredited operation driven by the highest industry standards and knowledge of the latest business trends, NEVEX ensures an effective and successful registration process for active ingredients and chemical products in the European Union, in the frame of a unique PPP (Public Private Partnership) model.

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